passaeros's Articles In Just Hanging Out
October 2, 2006 by passaeros
WHAT ABOUT THIS SMILY DREAM? Well for now i dream just a nice walk across the sea then a cool drink downtown... Cars are too expensive anyway... My old one seems still alive so... i stay dreaming the new one... Have a Nice week! See ya Later! BlogShouse
October 4, 2006 by passaeros
CHeCKoUT soon updated soon updated soon updated soon updated
November 23, 2006 by passaeros
UP UP UP LETS FLY FALKS! WEEK END IS COMMING! Whats the best to do? HANGING OUT!!! (but its a rainny day so hope it will be a sunny Friday morning) See Ya
November 18, 2006 by passaeros
MUTATIONS EXCEPTIONNELLES! J aimerais bien voir une femme a la place de la presidence Francaise! ENTHOUSIASTE! Il y a toujours un moyen de se faire emmerder pendant le week end! Eh bien je l ai trouve ce Samedi, c est ma dent qui me fait mal encore une fois et pire... elle vient d etre cassee! C est une dent precieuse enfin c etait... Et maintenant? Bon... pour le moment j ai trop mal alors... a toute a l heure! L animal ci haut est representatif de ma situation en ce mo...
October 28, 2006 by passaeros
An exciting Saturday afternoon! I ll go to the sea, its a wonderful warm afternoon! Hope i meet you there always! Where? I think you know... See ya... ALAVASTRO